The lacing card activity idea has been in my back pocket since probably the start of the blog, thanks to Rebecca at Hugs Are Fun, who is totally a pro at the whole mom thing. She knew that lacing cards were a great toddler activity that can keep little hands busy. And busy is what I needed last weekend, when I was road tripping with a toddler (and her parents, thank goodness!)

The lacing cards on top of the trusty Buick that holds 4 good sized adults and a toddler in a car seat.
I was not her only source of entertainment, but little Z is a busy 2 year old girl that would be trapped in her car seat for 3 + hours as we drove to pick blueberries in Michigan. The lacing cards were easy to whip up with some of my preexisting designs. Most commercially available ones seemed to trace around a known shape, so I chose to make a cloud outline and a square with her initial on it. Around the edge are 1/4 circular holes, the same size as a standard paper punch.
To shake things up, I also scaled up the rectangle cross stitch pendant, and made the holes big enough to accommodate a shoe lace. This way Z could stitch designs if desired, rather than just tracing.
I will admit, I may have played with them more than Z did, but they were a hit. Apparently lacing cards are a thing every toddler knows these days, so no instructions were needed. And Z’s mom really liked the multi-holed option, for even more creative play.
Love the grain on the wood, is it alder wood, the engraving has come out lovely, great idea too 🙂