I was first introduced to Kumihimo (Japanese cord braiding) by Becka Rahn of the Minnesota Textile Center. She was teaching shoppers at Craftravaganza in St. Paul, Minnesota. I was stuck in my booth for the show so I couldn't try it there, the idea stayed with me. (Shameless plug: Isette will again be at Craftstravaganza … Continue reading 15: Kumihimo Disks
Author: Jen
13: Alcohol Inked Acrylic
We've made it all the way to lucky number 13! This week's project was Rebecca of Hugs are Fun's idea and was inspired by Darby Smart's Inked coasters project. It worked well on ceramic, why not try it on acrylic? (Original kit instructions at The Crafted Life.) To create some variables, I prepared squares of white acrylic, clear … Continue reading 13: Alcohol Inked Acrylic
11: Pet Tags
Our friend Ramona asked if we ever made dog tags. She got a brand new puppy, and had purchased a metal tag at one of the big pet supply stores. When she got home, she took the plastic film off, and found that all her nicely engraved information went with it! Yep, they had etched … Continue reading 11: Pet Tags
09: Etched Yoga Blocks at Aurora Yoga Center
It's almost been a full year since I first walked into the Aurora Yoga Center and took my first yoga class with Jeff Manning. And, as a laser cutter, a year since I spied the lovely handmade wooden yoga blocks in the studio and thought "I could etch those!" Fast forward to 2014; a new … Continue reading 09: Etched Yoga Blocks at Aurora Yoga Center