169: Ryan makes a key holder out of walnut tetrominos. #tetris #lasercut
Tag: video games
163: Symphony of the Ottoman Tray
Just a few more than 52 months ago, I worked on a laser project with Castlevania: Symphony of the Night as the main theme. While that project was about using different engraving power settings to lighten and darken the same material, during its course I dug up some bitmaps of the 1997 PlayStation title's in-game … Continue reading 163: Symphony of the Ottoman Tray
160: Hylian Knot Puzzle
I have enjoyed mechanical puzzles since I was a kid, but not because I was particularly good at them. Anything more complicated than a vexier or tangram and my success was not guaranteed. I might never have solved a Rubik's cube, but I've always held a bit of awe for the designers of these kinds … Continue reading 160: Hylian Knot Puzzle
154: License Plate Frame
Back in early January, some unfortunate circumstances surrounding my previous vehicle meant I'd need to buy a new car. This would be the first time I've personally owned a vehicle, having coasted on loaners for over a decade. Since this was my first vehicle, it was also my first title registration and license plate. I … Continue reading 154: License Plate Frame