It's almost been a full year since I first walked into the Aurora Yoga Center and took my first yoga class with Jeff Manning. And, as a laser cutter, a year since I spied the lovely handmade wooden yoga blocks in the studio and thought "I could etch those!" Fast forward to 2014; a new … Continue reading 09: Etched Yoga Blocks at Aurora Yoga Center
Tag: wood
Lasers in the Wild: Gifts Book at the Hoard Museum
Another etched wooden book cover, this one for acknowledging gifts to the Hoard Historical Museum and the Fort Atkinson Historical Society. My photo of the cover didn't turn out at all, but the most interesting bit was this decorative etch inside. It's only fully visible when the binder is open flat!
07: Floss Organizers / Thread Holders
No, not the kind of floss for your teeth. Which, before I started working with Rebecca of Hugs are Fun, I would have wondered myself. Floss is the term for embroidery thread, used for embroidery and cross stitching. Collecting floss can be quite the passion for needle workers, and organizing it is always a challenge, … Continue reading 07: Floss Organizers / Thread Holders
06: Seed Swap Goodies
It's time to think about the growing season! Last summer, I revisited something from my childhood on the farm - growing my own food. I dutifully invested in pots (all container gardening for me), dirt and seeds and had a grand time experimenting, grazing from my garden and eating ALL of the basil. (I loved … Continue reading 06: Seed Swap Goodies