Several weeks ago, Jennifer and I were on a vacation. We hopped on an Amtrak train and traveled, slowly, from Aurora to Seattle. Since we were going the long way—via Denver and Sacramento, and later St. Paul—we both made sure to carry along a pair of headphones for those moments when we just couldn't stand … Continue reading 38: Earbud Card
Tag: bamboo
36: Kid Sketches
Saving your child's doodle forever is amazingly easy on the laser engraver. I'm lucky enough to have friends with adorable children to be my guinea pigs! Engraving black and white sketches is incredibly easy on the laser. All I really had to do was dial up the contrast on these sketches to make sure I … Continue reading 36: Kid Sketches
35: Scarf Holder
Today's post was inspired by my friend Ramona, a fashion scarf aficionado, who asked, "Can you make a scarf holder?" Challenge accepted. I spent awhile thinking about the hanging properties of a scarf hanger. My mind kept trying to pull together ways of attaching it to a clothes bar. After some searching, I couldn't find … Continue reading 35: Scarf Holder
30: Tokens & Templates
Once in a while I come across a job where I've got a handful of pre-cut shapes and I've got to etch a design onto them. This can be tricky for any number of reasons, but the issue I run into most often getting the alignment between the etch and the shape it'll be on just … Continue reading 30: Tokens & Templates